Delivering on the promise: Defining optimal implementation strategies and service delivery packages for the Dual Prevention Pill

The Dual Prevention Pill (DPP), which co-formulates oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and combined oral contraception in a single pill, could receive regulatory approval by 2025 and become the first multi-purpose prevention technology (MPT) with PrEP available. Planning for DPP implementation requires integrating best practices from PrEP and contraceptive provision to deliver an MPT, as integrating PrEP and family planning (FP) services has historically been a challenge.

This session will look at lessons from PrEP and FP implementation and scale-up to explore optimal implementation strategies for the DPP. Presenters will discuss potential scenarios for integrating the DPP in HIV prevention and FP provision, including approaches to reach and support different user segments, particularly young women; what healthcare providers will need to do differently to deliver an MPT; and the key questions, populations, and settings that implementation science studies on the DPP could focus on. Discussion will chart a way forward for DPP delivery.

3 min
Welcome and speaker introductions
5 min
The intersection of HIV acquisition and unintended pregnancy: Understanding the current landscape
8 min
Research and development of the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP)
8 min
Lessons from implementation and scale-up of PrEP and Family Planning (FP) for cisgender women: How to make PrEP/FP integration work
8 min
Delivering a dual product in the context of choice: Considerations for counseling, testing, and support for end users and healthcare providers
8 min
Who, where, how: Potential early implementation studies and approaches for the DPP in Eastern and Southern Africa
45 min
Panel discussion and audience Q&A
5 min
Closing remarks